What to Consider in Choosing a Paper
There are a few important factors to consider in determining the best print material for your high-resolution wall mural print.
Paper or Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive?
Though our self-stick print choices will last many years, if your installation is to be permanent then a traditional wallpaper & paste option is best. We offer a few types of Dreamscape wallpapers and 3M and Concept Media pressure-sensitive adhesive (self-stick) papers.
How Smooth is Your Wall Surface?
For walls with texture or a few imperfections, you may want to choose a traditional wallpaper for its superior ability to smooth out the bumps and flaws. Within the paper category, the suede texture will hide more flaws than the matte.
If your wall has only minor areas of concern, a self-stick will do the job nicely, although we would recommend against the use of a gloss laminate if possible.
Is a Protective Laminate Needed?
For areas that will incur some level of abuse such due to moisture, or physical contact a laminate would be recommended for the self-stick papers. The choice of gloss or matte laminate is somewhat of a personal preference, though the gloss option does provide a bit more durability.
Wallpaper has good wear properties and is generally not laminated.
Wallpaper Print Mediums
There are many products on the market for wall prints. If you have a preference for a particular wallpaper or self-stick paper or laminate, we can provide a quote for these materials to be used in the production of your print.
- Click for Available Wallpaper Options.